snack sign up
We are looking for parents/girls to bring snacks! The girls look forward to our homemade snack each week. We provide the recipe and quantities on the sign-up below. For each week, there is also a gluten/dairy free spot. If you have a girl with a gluten/dairy allergy, we ask that you sign up for at least one spot each semester and alter the recipe accordingly. This will help us continue offering all girls a fun snack each week. When your girl brings a snack, she will earn 15 points. (Please note: no matter how many spots you sign up for, your girl will earn a maximum of 15 points per semester). Girls are encouraged to participate in making the snack, but they are not required to do so. Please sign up for one spot first to allow everyone to have a chance to participate. For questions, please contact our snack coordinator.
join our team
We have an amazing team of women who make club happen every week--but we always need more hands! There are many different volunteer tasks with a variety of time commitments. We ask that volunteers arrive no later than 5:15 pm for our team huddle each week. Email us and we will get back with you to chat.