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VESSELS believes that every tween girl is created as a unique vessel, with a unique purpose. Club meetings (hosted by local churches) are full of crafts, music, homemade snacks, singing, dancing, earning jewelry and more. But in all the fun & fancy, glitter & glue, girls discover God, as they are discipled by a multi-generational team of women. While examining the lives of biblical women (and how God used their vessel-life for His purpose), girls are told the truth about their own God-given identity, value, uniqueness and purpose.
we are God's vessels
Our lives are containers that can be filled. We can fill it with things of this world OR we can fill it with the things of God. When we are filled with God’s truth (His great plan and purpose for our life), we become the most beautiful versions of ourselves.

We want all girls to know these four principles.
1. God loves & values you.
2. God made you a unique vessel.
3. God has a purpose for you.
4. God will fill you to live out that purpose.

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